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Tooth Sealing

Services > Prophylaxis > Tooth Sealing
  • Tooth Sealing
  • Tooth Sealing

Although the toothbrush cleans well over flat areas,deep pits and fissures are difficult to clean. Even with good oral hygiene, it may happen that food scraps and cariogenic bacteria remain in the tooth chewing surface. Especially for children, these areas are most at risk of caries. Therefore, fissured teeth should be sealed as soon as possible.

Although the toothbrush cleans well over flat areas, deep pits and fissures on the chewing surface may be difficult to clean. Even with good oral hygiene, it may happen that food scraps and cariogenic bacteria remain on the tooth surface. Especially for children, these areas are most at risk of caries. Therefore, the highly fissured molar teeth should be sealed as soon as possible.

In a sealing session, the fissures are thoroughly cleaned, then covered with a special sealing composite. The aim of fissure sealants is to prevent or arrest the development of dental caries. The chewing surfaces are easier to clean, and the re-entry of bacteria and the formation of fissure caries is prevented. At the end of the treatment the tooth is fluoridated. The whole treatment takes between 15 and 30 minutes. Sealers hold approximately 5-8 years.