Adhesive bridge, also known as Maryland bridge, is a bonded bridge to replace one missing tooth. Usually it is used primarily for anterior teeth or bicuspids when an implant is not possible or wanted.Previously it was made with a metal Frame, today predominantly of all-ceramic.
Adhesive bridge, also known as Maryland bridge, is a bonded bridge to replace one missing tooth. Usually it is used primarily for anterior teeth or bicuspids when an implant is not possible or wanted.Previously it was made with a metal Frame, , like the picture below, but today predominantly, if possible, of all-ceramic.
Today, the variant is preferably singlebonded on only one tooth. The previous tecnique to use the two adjecent teeth has been abandoned. The advantages of the adhesive bridge Maryland Bridge are less substance loss of anchor abutment teeth since very little has to be prepared.The success rates are strongly influenced by the techniques and materials used. The process to establish and incorporate an adhesive bridge, is therefore very technique sensitive.