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Which tooth brush is the best? an actual overview.

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Which tooth brush is the best? an actual overview.

Which toothbrush is the best ? electric or manual?
Among the most common questions asked at the dentist's office are: "Which toothbrush do you recommend?", "Should I buy an electric toothbrush?" and "What can I do better?". To help you shine with facts in the future, here is a compilation of the most important findings on the subject of toothbrushes.
Electric toothbrushes with a "small “ lead
Electric toothbrushes include both rotary-oscillating and sonic toothbrushes.
Rotating-oscillating toothbrushes: These toothbrushes have a small, round brush head. This makes about 8,000 oscillating rotations per minute and rotates at an angle of 50 to 70 degrees. Some also make pulsating movements. The toothbrushing technique is very different from that with a manual toothbrush: unlike the latter, no brushing movements may be made here. Instead, the brush head is placed on one tooth surface for 2 to 3 seconds and then moved on to the next.
Sonic toothbrushes: these have an elongated brush head whose bristles vibrate sideways about 31,000 times per minute. Plaque is loosened by vibrations and not by ultrasonic waves, as mistakenly assumed. The brushing technique is more similar to that with a manual toothbrush. Additional side movements should be made to allow the fibres to make contact with the entire tooth surface.
A meta-analysis published as recently as February 2022 showed a "small advantage" of electric over manual toothbrushes.
Rotating-oscillating or sonic? Research results inconclusive So if the choice is an electric toothbrush, shouldn't it be a sonic toothbrush?
The research results are not consistent here. A recent review showed a small but significant advantage for rotary-oscillating toothbrushes over sonic toothbrushes.
The manual toothbrush: far from obsolete Although many studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are slightly superior to manual toothbrushes in terms of brushing performance, they are far from being obsolete. On the one hand, comparable results can be achieved by brushing longer with a manual toothbrush.On the other hand, the success of brushing with a manual toothbrush depends not only on the technique and motivation of the user, but especially on the brush itself. On the safe side with "medium Contrary to spontaneous intuition, toothbrushes with hard bristles are gentler on enamel and dentin because they clean only with the tips of their rounded bristles. In contrast, soft bristles bend more and thus rub the cleaning particles of the toothpaste over the teeth over a larger area. Therefore, the recommendation for sensitive teeth or exposed necks of teeth is to use hard bristles. However, these can damage the gingival epithelium and cause bleeding. A toothbrush with medium bristle hardness is therefore a good compromise between brushing performance and protection of hard tissues and gingiva.
Professor Zimmer from the University of Witten/Herdecke also recommends a rather large brush head with longer and short bristles arranged in gaps.
Conclusion: Recommendation depends on skill & time An electric toothbrush is certainly a good recommendation, especially for people with limited manual dexterity as well as children and teenagers. It cleans the teeth most effectively in a short time, although the right brushing technique is also important here. Whether it should be a rotating-oscillating or sonic toothbrush is more a matter of taste, and the studies are not conclusive. Effective brushing with a manual toothbrush requires more manual skill and more time. If both are available and you are well motivated, you will be just as successful.
By the way ... Fluoridated toothpaste is just as important for oral hygiene as the toothbrush. Every toothbrush needs floss or interdental brushes as a supplement. You only brush with a brush you feel comfortable with.
Brushes should be replaced after 3 months at the latest.
The environmental balance is worst with electric toothbrushes. Toothbrushes with replaceable heads or made of wood (with plastic bristles) save plastic waste.

26 April 2022 Author: Dr. Melanie Salz. Editor: Marc Fröhling Translated with (free version)