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Eine gute Alternative zur festen Zahnspange

Info > Blog Articles > Aligner - the ultimate alternativ to classical orthodontics esten Zahnspange

What is aligner treatment?
The so-called therapy with aligners is an almost invisible option for the orthodontic treatment of misaligned teeth. Crooked teeth, protruding individual teeth or a grossly uneven front - Often teeth shift in the course of life. This can have many different reasons. Crooked teeth are often not only an aesthetic problem. There can be health consequences. First of all, daily dental care is very difficult. In addition, there are general health consequences such as headaches, jaw joint problems, back pain and neck tension. Since fixed braces are mainly seen in children and adolescents, many adults mistakenly think their chance has been lost. Treatment with invisible braces has been practised in our practice in Munich for many years.  If fixed braces cannot be worn or do not want to be worn for aesthetic reasons, aligner therapy can provide a remedy. The wafer-thin aligners are made individually for each patient and should be worn all day. The material is absolutely harmless, transparent and therefore hardly visible. Most of the time the braces are not noticed at all.They are also comfortable for the patient to wear. The braces are changed gradually according to the desired result. Depending on the severity of the malocclusion, treatment lasts 3 - 6 months, rarely longer. Aligner therapy leads to the desired result really quickly. It is significantly faster, cheaper and more comfortable than fixed braces. Which malocclusions can be treated with aligners?
Due to continuous development and research, almost any malocclusion in the anterior region can be treated successfully with aligners. In special cases, it is now even possible to combine different types of splints or even brackets. Aligner therapy was originally intended primarily for adults who do not want to have misaligned teeth treated with fixed braces. However, since it has some advantages that are also interesting for children and adolescents, aligners are now popular in every age group. How does treatment with the invisible brace proceed? After an intensive, personal consultation in our practice, digital scans of the jaw to be treated are made, just like in preparation for braces. Based on this model, we can create a complete treatment course in cooperation with our aligner laboratory.Invisalign°   The course of treatment ends in a pre-determined goal. The path to this goal is divided into different phases. A separate invisible splint is created for each phase. Each one is worn for approximately 7-10 days. The duration of the aligner therapy depends on the severity of the malposition to be treated. It is particularly important to adhere to the wearing times. The splint should be worn for at least 23 hours a day. Simply remove the aligners for cleaning and eating. We will provide you with a special splint box for storage.  While the aligner is in your mouth, you should not eat anything except water, as the aligner and the surface of your teeth may become discoloured. 
What are the costs of aligner treatment?
The cost of aligner treatment varies depending on the severity of the misalignment being treated and the provider chosen. For larger tooth movements with a splint from the provider Invisaglin®, adults pay on average the same as for fixed braces. Here the costs are between 4000 and 6000€. There are other providers such as ClearAligner, the Harmonie splint from Orthos and others. We decided to go with the best at the moment, the Invisalign° system, after having experienced the different providers. 
 What are the advantages and disadvantages? The biggest strength of the trays is their inconspicuousness. Hardly anyone can recognise them as braces on the outside. They are much more inconspicuous and give the patient back a bit of the freedom he or she would lose if wearing fixed braces. Invisible braces are also extremely convenient for eating and brushing teeth, as they can be easily removed and reinserted after cleaning. The teeth are also easier to care for.  Unlike fixed braces, however, the patient's cooperation is necessary here. If the braces are not worn regularly for 23 hours, the pre-established treatment plan cannot be followed and the achievement of the goal is delayed. As an alternative to braces, the splints are definitely not only for adults but also for teenagers.